April 10

Activities Update. April 2021.


Hi Folks,

Much of the content in the following message was posted to our Facebook page in late January. While there have been some interesting developments (that I hope to be able to share with you all soon), the message is still broadly up to date, and therefore, with a few modifications, it is reposted here for your information…

We haven’t posted anything for a while but we have been quietly working with office-based research and a review of the currently identified resources. A small subset of the residual historical tailings in the area have been given particular attention. As these are detrimental to surface water quality if left unconfined in watercourses, we plan to put forward a proposal to clean up some of these areas, treat the tailings, and safely encapsulate them. We hope and trust and that when the proposal is fully explained in due course, that we get broad community support for this endeavour.

The pandemic restrictions, added to a surge in exploration activity in the mining industry, has made for a bit of a shortage of available top-notch drilling contractors and specialist consultants. 2020 and the start of 2021 has been slow. Developments that we are expecting to be taking place this year will enable us to inject a lot more resources towards our goal of establishing an environmentally sound and profitable gold production operation, both for us and to the benefit of our community.

There is much more office-based work to do, and probably some drilling programs followed by more office-based work, before the feasibility of an underground mining operation could be assessed and put to the local community. But hopefully we will be able to shortly advance a proposal for cleaning up, re-treating, and safety storing some of the remaining historical mining Tailings that were mentioned above. – We will be happy to fully discuss all aspects of any proposed works with all interested parties at the time. 🙂

I haven’t posted anything recently to the local Community Facebook pages, as we have not been engaging in any noticeable outside work. However there have been a number of positive newsworthy stories about our mining industry that I could have posted, but I figured people could probably see them In their own news feeds if they were interested. Please let me know if there are some out there that would like me to occasionally post stories of possible interest 🙂

It has been encouraging to see how our local community has been growing and developing, despite the challenges of the past year.

Cheers and regards,

Terry Delahunty.


Economic Development, Environmental improvement, Gold, Moorabool Shire

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